Round two of Network BGI was another success. Opened by Gifford Pinchot III himself and flawlessly emceed by current student Kyle Capizzi, we again accomplished an event that people found both valuable and enjoyable. Last night we tried something new, using a modified version of The World Café model as a way to facilitate meaningful conversation. We had a solid representation from both hybrid and metro students as well as the general public. An extra special thanks goes out to our table topic leaders Jimmy Jia, Bob Gunn, Stanley Florek, and Hoby Douglass. Other distinguished guests in attendance included Fortunado Vega (Chair of Partnerships & Sponsors at MIT Enterprise Forum of the Northwest) and Maureen Takaoka (Business Development Events Manager for the Washington Clean Technology Alliance).
We’re always looking for ways to improve our events to add value to you. If you have any feedback, please send your ideas, issues, and proposed resolutions to rsvp@bgi.edu. Our next Network BGI Community Social will take place on April 26, 2012 and, in conjunction with the BGI alumni weekend, will include an alumni career panel. Register for free and check out photos of our last event.