Look To The Stars — Michael B. Maine

So, this might sound nerdy, but I’ve been wanting to go to a planetarium for a little over two years now. I haven’t been since the fourth or fifth grade. Back then I really wanted to be an astronaut. For whatever reason, as I grew up I found that I had more strengths in business than astronomy. However, my interest in space never waned, and I’ve been longing to relive the experience I had so many years ago during that field trip.

Believe it or not, I was actually able to get a few friends (non-nerdy types to boot) to go with me. Tickets cost CLP$ 1,000 or roughly USD$ 2.00, and we practically had the entire show to ourselves. Overall, I think we all had a good time. The show was a lot shorter (about 30 minutes) than I remember from back in the day, and it wasn’t followed by a lazer show, but, all in all, it was a good experience and something cheap to do on cold and cloudy Sunday.

I must admit though, it wasn’t the same without Pluto. We miss you Pluto. You’ll always be a planet in my eyes.

