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EVENT: Speaker Luncheon with Juan Gonzalez and Joe Torres

The following is the copy from the press release provided by Media Justice League. If you can, please come support this luncheon.


DeAnne Cuellar
210-896-9141 (voice/text)

Speaker Luncheon with Juan Gonzalez and Joe Torres Benefiting Media Literacy in San Antonio

We here at the Media Justice League have some exciting news to share. Thanks to the generosity of the San Antonio Current and The Twig Bookstore we can now offer our speaker’s luncheon for FREE to the first 50 people to RSVP. Yes, you can save that $20 you had set aside but RSVP soon as seats are sure to fill quickly. You certainly can’t beat the value.

For FREE you can meet our featured speakers Juan Gonzalez and Joe Torres, aurthors of the book, “News for All the People.” Get your personal copy signed. Tour the offices of San Antonio’s favorite alt-weekly, The Current and meet publisher Michael Wagner. Plus, share lunch with some of San Antonio’s finest journalists, public relations professionals and community leaders. Did I mention this is all FREE? Proceeds from the Twig’s book sales will benefit the Media Justice League’s ongoing media literacy programs throughout South Texas.

This is an opportunity for everyone in San Antonio who makes media, consumes media, and cares about media to come together.

October 26, 2011 - 11:30 AM Meet the authors, book sales, and signing. Noon-1:00 PM Lunch and Program.

915 Dallas Street, San Antonio, Texas 78215 MAP

Limited Space - RSVP Suggested - LINK TO EVENT:

More about our speakers:

JUAN GONZÁLEZ is a two-time winner of the George Polk Award for commentary, is a former president of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists. He is a columnist for New York’s Daily News, and co-host of the nationally syndicated TV and radio news show Democracy Now! His previous books include Harvest of Empire: A History of Latinos in America, and Fallout: The Environmental Consequences of the WorldTrade Center Collapse.

JOSEPH TORRES is the senior advisor for government and external affairs for Free Press, the national media reform organization. Before joining Free Press, he worked as deputy director at the National Association of Hispanic Journalists and was a journalist for several years.

The Book: News for All the People offers a sweeping account of the class and racial conflicts in American news media, from the first colonial newspaper to the age of the Internet. Based on years of archival research and up-to-the-minute reporting by veteran journalists and media reform advocates Juan González and Joseph Torres, News for All the Peoplereveals how racial segregation in the media distorted the news and highlights numerous examples of how publishers and broadcasters actually fomented racial violence through their coverage.

Fast-paced, story-driven and replete with portraits of individual journalists and media executives, the book weaves back and forth between the corporate battles and government policies that built our segregated media system—as when Commerce Secretary Herbert Hoover gave a radio license to the KKK—and those who rebelled against that system, such asPittsburgh Courier publisher Robert L. Vann, who led a national campaign to get the black-face comedy Amos ’n’ Andy off the air.

This event is being cosponsored by the San Antonio Current, Democracy Now!, Free Press, and San Antonio Association of Hispanic Journalists (SAAHJ). Reservations are encouraged. For more information contact DeAnne Cuellar, at 210-896-9141 or by emailing directly to

#TEDxSanAntonio 2011 Live Blog

The day of TEDxSanAntonio 2011 has finally arrived. We’ve put a ton of work into this and hope you find the experience extremely rewarding. For those of you who can’t attend the event or watch the live feed, feel free to follow along with our live blog here. Leave your comments and join the conversation. We hope you enjoy. Also, feel free to watch the live video webcast at

I Will Be Presenting at ASID Premiere Night, Supporting Bring Eddie Home

I encourage anyone who can/will be San Antonio, TX on Thurssday, October 27th to attend the American Society of Interior Designers Permiere Night. I have been invited to present in conjunction with Pit Design on the future trends of new media, interface technologies, and sustainable business strategies. The event will also serve to raise awareness around Operation Bring Eddie Home. For more information, please view the invitation and press release below. RSVP with either Lynley Serrat ( or Tessa Burns (


Flippin' San Alamo Fiesta


Courtesy of San Antonio Express News

If you find yourself looking for something to do this Monday evening, June 13, 2011, and are in the San Antonio area, head out to the Alamo Plaza for the “Flippin’ San Alamo Festival.” Presented by local artist Rolando Briseño, the festival recognizes the contributions marginalized peoples have made and are making in Texas culture. The festival takes place at the Alamo Plaza, located at 300 Alamo Plaza, San Antonio, TX 78205. For more details check out Briseño’s website and the following articles.



Free, 6:30-8:30pm Mon, June 13, Alamo Plaza, 300 Alamo Plaza,
