Blog — Michael B. Maine

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104 Facts You Don’t Know About Mobile Marketing

Whether you're on the train, bus, or navigating around the neighborhood, many of noticed that people are increasingly glued to their phones and other mobile devices. When designing marketing strategies and campaigns, it's very important to build real relationships (that means at least 2-way communication) with them by reaching them in non-obtrusive ways where they are. And, more than likely, they're on their phones. Here's some data to help get you started.


Infographic provided by Website Builder

Infographic provided by Website Builder





Ten $10,000 Scholarships Available for OSR Program

If you are someone you know is interested in gaining business and leadership skills required for today's and tomorrow's issues, now is a good time to look at the OSR program at the Bainbridge Graduate Institute. When I got home today, I saw the following message sitting in my LinkedIn inbox from OSR Program Director Bill Koenig:

I am sharing the message below broadly with my LinkedIn Network because it is an exceptional offer that may be of interest to you and would certainly be of interest to someone that you know, so please forward it on. 

In honor of the January 14, 2013 launch of OSR 19, the first cohort at Bainbridge Graduate Institute (BGI), the 33 year old Organization Systems Renewal (OSR – graduate program is making ten $10,000 scholarships available to OSR 19 applicants. 

These scholarships are designed to help those with the passion, but not all the resources, to join OSR 19 and complete their Master's in Organizational Leadership. Applications will be reviewed on the basis of financial need, a short essay, and overall diversity needs of the cohort. 

If you or someone you know is prepared to take his/her learning to a new level in this premier program focused on leadership, systems-thinking, design-thinking, organization development, and personal development, we strongly encourage you to Apply Now - 

Excited? Here are some answers to questions we anticipate you might have: 

When are applications due? 
Applications for the OSR Master’s Program and Scholarships are due December 15 unless prior arrangements have been made for an extension. 

How does this work with my overall Federal Student Financial Aid? 
Federal Student Financial Aid is also available. For questions and to start this process, contact Gagan Kaur at or call 206-780-6227. 

What do I have to do to apply for the scholarship? 
There are two steps to applying. 
Complete and submit your application to the OSR Master’s Program - 
Make sure that your short essay answer to the question in the application packet, namely, " what is your financial plan to support your participation in the OSR program," includes an explanation of why you are interested in this scholarship. 
Please note, if you are receiving tuition reimbursement from your organization, you are not eligible for this offer. 

Why apply now? 
First and foremost, why put off learning how to become more effective and lead the kind of changes you most want? One of the hallmarks of OSR is that you learn skills, theories and techniques that you can use immediately. From the very first session you hone your awareness and mastery in Organizational Leadership. 

Keep in mind that you won’t start paying on your Federal Financial Aid loans until after graduation. 

Take advantage of the timing of the OSR 19 cohort. This cohort offers a first time ever scholarship opportunity that represents 25% of the total tuition. It is 6 quarters in length instead of the normal 7 quarters. As a result the tuition cost is $3,000 less than previous cohorts. 

Please reply to this email if you are interested in pursuing this further. 


Bill Koenig 
Program Director 
Organization Systems Renewal Graduate Program 

BGI - Bainbridge Graduate Institute 

Office: 206.780-6207 
Email: and

